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Contact Management


SYSPRO Contact Management allows you to define and manage a rich set of information about the people with whom you do business as well as between individuals within your organization. This applies not only to traditional SYSPRO customers and suppliers but also to other business relationships such as potential customers (prospects), consultants, competitors, etc.

Key Benefits of Contact Management

  • Recording, planning, and tracking activities against contacts in a centralized environment
  • Improved customer and supplier service through instant on-screen access to all relevant information, including touch-points with your company
  • Powerful customizable search and query capabilities
  • Integration with Microsoft Outlook for sending and receiving email
  • Integration with Microsoft Office for enterprise-wide use of SYSPRO Contact Management information
  • Log and track customer complaints
  • SYSPRO Mobile application for sales reps to use while on the road, with structured addresses for enhanced location support. 
  • Licensed per Contact Management user, not per SYSPRO user